Amazing Grace Animal Sanctuary

“The purity of a person’s heart can be quickly measured by how they regard animals.” ~Anonymous

As Amazing Grace Animal Sanctuary grows, we find that chores and the business needs of running a non-profit farm continue to increase. We would love to have a volunteer base of individuals who enjoy helping animals no matter what their abilities might be. We have specific needs….. from cleaning the stalls, to grooming the grounds or helping out at events….. our farm may be small, but our dreams of running a sanctuary that teaches others about responsible animal care, requires the help of many individuals.

Please check out these volunteer opportunities below:

Trained Sanctuary Volunteers

This volunteer position requires the person to work alongside Daryl and Donna to learn the ropes of caring for the animals to be their coverage for when the Wattersons cannot be there.

Corporate Volunteers

Amazing Grace Animal Sanctuary is a not-for-profit 501 (c)(3) organization and can use the help of qualified individuals to become Board Members.

Fundraising Committee

The fundraising committee at Amazing Grace Animal Sanctuary is looking for volunteers to join us. Come share your ideas for ways to help our sanctuary grow!

Event Volunteers

Throughout the year Amazing Grace Animal Sanctuary holds fundraising events, attends the annual Cheshire Fair and brings animals to businesses who are interested in helping us raise funds for the animals care. There are times when we can use many extra hands to make our events successful. 


We often have fun events that we would like to videotape. We could use a good videographer. There are other times, we would like to put together a small video that tells you what we are planning or what is going on at the sanctuary to be able to post it on YouTube to get it out to our followers. Let us know if you can help.

Legal Volunteer

Amazing Grace Animal Sanctuary could use a lawyer who loves animals and would be willing to offer pro-bono services if we find we are in need of their services.

Building Maintenance Volunteers

On a farm, there are always repairs that need to be attended to in order to keep our animals safe. This position would entail person/s who are trained to make repairs and help take care of the maintenance of our buildings and animal structures.

Grounds Maintenance Volunteers

Each season brings with it different chores that need to be addressed on the grounds at the Amazing Grace Animal Sanctuary. Grooming of the yard, cutting back tree limbs and making pens safe and comfortable for the animals are essential projects that are never ending on a farm.

Farm Visit Coordinator

We do outreach within the local therapeutic community, by inviting them to visit our animals to help educate their members about animal dignity, how it’s okay to be different and to have empathy for others. Some of the local companies involved are disabled interns from CHESCO, Inc., Charter school interns, Girl Scouts, Cedarcrest and the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

These visits require some coordination in order to make their visit memorable and comfortable for all involved. This position would require the person to work with Donna and Daryl to learn what makes a visit with the AGAS animals an unforgettable event.

Become an AGAS Volunteer Today!

Our fundraising committee is in need of some creative minds that will share their thoughts and ideas of ways we can raise funds.

The cost of living goes up every year, not only for us, but for our sanctuary animals, as well. We need help with the upkeep, food and medical care of these beautiful animals. Please join us and help us find new ways to achieve this goal.

Please fill out our form.

As we grow… the needs of the animals and the farm grow too! Please fill out the form with the types of things you’d like to volunteer for.

We are so thankful for the wonderful people who believe, as we do, that these rescued animals deserve to be cared for in a loving home for the rest of their lives.

I Would Like to Volunteer!

3 + 11 =



Give a Gift of Kindness

Volunteer Opportunities

Amazing Grace Animal Sanctuary

161 Centre St.
Sullivan,  NH 03445


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“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.”  — Anatole France

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